Materials and devices:
Molecular architectures: dendrimers, supramolecules, liquid crystals,
bioinspired materials
Semiconductors: quantum dots, nano rods, heterostructures
Plasmonics: nanoparticles, core-shell particles, multi-layer transparent
* Photonic crystals: dispersion engineering and applications, filters, nonlinear
optics, photonic devices
* Metamaterials: nanocomposites, chirality, biomimetics
* Sources and detector
Nanofabrication methods:
* Novel nanofabrication techniques
* Nanoimprint technology
* Self assembly
* Laser directwriting
* Interference lithography
* Chemical growth
* Etching techniqes
Nanoscale optics imaging and nanocharacterization:
* Emerging nanoscale optical imaging schemes
* Near field scanning optical imaging
* Plasmonic enhancement of resolving power
* Superresolution techniques
2007 Munich Germany -
InterOpto'07, Japan - OSA Nonlinear
Optics 2007 Hawaii
SPIE Optics and Photonics
2007, San Diego, California - Ultrafast Optics 2007, High Field Short Wavelength 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA
SPRC Annual Symposium, Stanford, CA -
OSA Frontiers in Optics 2007, San
Jose, CA -
Photonex, Coventry, UK -
ICALEO 2007, Orlando, Florida
Old events:
ASSP2007 -
EMIS14 - EMIS14all
OLEurope Faraday Ad
May 7, 2007
Notch 1550nm
Pages under development - References:
Femtosecond Holography -
Femtosecond Nanophotonics
Femtosecond Filamentation -
Femtosecond X-ray
Multiphoton microscope -
Del Mar Photonics customers
sum-frequency spectroscopy
- protein-ligand
- biomolecular
Vendors - Jobs -
Graduate (MolNano
- SingleMol -
Bioselfassembly -
Supramolecular -
Ultrafast Charge
transfer -
Surface Photochemistry -
Nanostructuring for electron confinement
- Molecular switches and motors
- Molecular magnetism
C, C++, C#, .NET, Visual Basic
and Labview
Del Mar site map -
Business Development -
Faraday Spectrum
Glossary Navigator
fs pulse
shaping - fs fs densification SE:
LJ Half
2007 - Anna25 BaF2 slides -
Hydrogen Thyratrons -
Deuterium Thyratrons
CaF2 cleaning -
Bill&Vicky Diamonds Imaging:
Carl Zeiss -
Confocal -
- Collagen 2 photon -
HeLa 2 photon Pump Lasers:
Pump laser diodes Autocorrelator
Optical -
TPA semiconductor -
TPA vs delay -
electron pulses -
source -
fs electron
interferometry -
fs electron
source for synchrotron -
fs photofield
optical field emission -
sub 8 fs electron
Avoca 7 -
FemtoStart Ar-ion laser pumped
- Ti:Sapphire models -
Ti:Sapphire pumping
Photoconductive antenna (PCA)
James Heyman -
Ultrafast THz -
Electron dynamics -
Photonics training -
Ultrafast THz lab -
Modern Physics -
Carrier transport -
THz Photo-Hall -
THz GaAs -
THz emission -
Time-domain QW
Intersubband scattering -
Terahertz Imaging -
Terahertz Time-Domain
Greyhawkoptics -
axicon -
axicon use -
axicons from Greyhawkoptics
axicon tweezers -
axicon tweezers trapping
- micromanipulation
pyrex mirrors -
for 1
micron range
Femtosecond beamsplitter -
film polarizer
OCT retina imaging -
Adaptive optics OCT imaging
SPIDER Walmsley -
Femtosecond multiphoton imaging
2-photon spectra -
Non-linear laser scanning fluorescence microscopy -
Visualizing multiple
intracellular structures in living cells
Pulse pickers:
Pulse pickers -
components -
fs -
100kHz -
Pismo 8/1
Pockes Cell BBO
Relaxation dynamics -
Time-resolved emission -
Transient absorption spectra
Optical Layout -
Hatteras Advantages -
Single Wavelength Kinetics
Spectral Kinetics -
far IR -
Hatteras detectors -
Hatteras IR option -
Ultrafast 2-D Vibrational Echo Webcast -
Lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in carbon nanotubes
Del Mar Larsen
research -
Multi-Chromophoric -
Yellow Protein -
Product Data Sheets
Del Mar Photonics Product brochures -
Femtosecond products data sheets (zip
file, 4.34 Mbytes) - Del Mar Photonics
Send us a request for
standard or custom ultrafast (femtosecond) product
Avoca SPIDER system
Buccaneer femtosecond
fiber lasers with SHG Second Harmonic Generator
Cannon Ultra-Broadband Light
Cortes Cr:Forsterite
Regenerative Amplifier
cross-correlator CCIR-800
Cross-correlator Rincon
Femtosecond Autocorrelator
Kirra Faraday Optical Isolators -
2-photon -
1030-1080nm High Power Free Space Faraday Isolators
- 5AFI36- 800B broadband Faraday Isolator, to
work with femtosecond Ti:sapphire lasers - Kirra
Faraday Rotators and Isolators for Ti:Sapphire Laser -
Kirra Faraday Rotators and Isolators for 1064 nm
- Q&A -
Faraday isolators for pulsed
Nd:YAG laser system at 1064 nm
Mavericks femtosecond
Cr:Forsterite laser
OAFP optical attenuator
Pearls femtosecond fiber laser
(Er-doped fiber, 1530-1565 nm)
Pismo pulse picker
Reef-M femtosecond scanning
autocorrelator for microscopy
Reef-RTD scanning
Reef-SS single shot
Femtosecond Second Harmonic Generator
Spectrometer ASP-100M
Spectrometer ASP-150C
Spectrometer ASP-IR
Tamarack and Buccaneer
femtosecond fiber lasers (Er-doped fiber, 1560+/- 10nm)
Teahupoo femtosecond Ti:Sapphire regenerative amplifier
third harmonic generator
Tourmaline femtosecond fiber
laser (1054 nm)
Tourmaline TETA Yb
femtosecond amplified laser system
Tourmaline Yb-SS
femtosecond solid state laser system
Trestles CW Ti:Sapphire
Trestles femtosecond
Ti:Sapphire laser
Trestles Finesse
femtosecond lasers system integrated with DPSS pump laser
Wedge Ti:Sapphire multipass amplifier
Biophysical Society
Annual 2008, Long Beach, CA - OFC/NFOEC 2008, San Diego, CA
PW2008 announcement - High Power Laser Ablation
FOM2007 -
SPIE Medical Imaging -
Bunsen THz -
The 2007 Gordon Conference on Quantum
Control of Light and Matter - XXII. International Symposium
on Molecular Beams - CC
- MCS -
RC -
Short Course on Cellular and
Molecular Fluorescence
Coherent Laser Radar Conference (CLRC)
- Lidar fs FLFC
Femtochemistry and
Femtobiology 8 -
QuAMP 2007
62nd OSU International
Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy
18th International Conference on Laser
Applications of High Power
Semiconductor Lasers
September 17-19, 2007 - Hilton San Diego Resort - San Diego, CA USA
OSA Optical Data Storage
Ultrafast Optics 2007, High Field Short
Wavelength 2007
Ultrashort Pulse Laser Materials
Interaction Workshop
Other events to consider
Pittcon 2008fs -
Laser Optics Berlin
APS March Meeting, March 10-14, 2008,
New Orleans, Louisiana -
Military and aerospace electronics - San
Diego, California - ACS meeting, New
Orleans, Louisiana - Picalo
2008, Beijing, China (program)
2008 Summer Optics and Photonics Congress
Latsis -
Free radicals
CLEO 2008 -
Ultrafast Phenomena 2008,
Italy - topics -
PSAS 2008 International Conference
on the Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, Canada
Memory and Optical Data Storage 2008, Big Island of Hawaii, HI
Optics and Photonics 2008, San Diego, CA -
fs -
- RS -
2att -
Stanford University 2008 Annual Symposium: Global Impact of Photonics

International 2008
Defence Exports 2008
Avionics Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference -
Solar Power International 2008 -
ICALEO 2008, Temecula, CA - Nanotech Nothern Europe 2008
Optics and Photonics 2008
Analysis Workshop 2008 - miniature IR sensors
Del Mar Photonics supports the Graduate Research Seminar on Molecular Energy
Transfer -
2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, December 1-5 -
The 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics - PQE-2009
January 4-8, 2009 Snowbird, Utah, USA -
West 2009 -
Advanced Solid-State Photonics 2009 OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, February
1-4, 2009, Denver, Colorado -
Laser World of Photonics China, Shanghai, March 17-19, 2009 -
International Laser Safety Conference ILSC2009 -
Del Mar Photonics Exhibited at
Photonics West 2007
Photonics West 2007 in San
Jose, California January 23 - 25, 2007
Del Mar Photonics booth 6166
Conference Program
Femtosecond Ultra-Broadband Light
Diagnosing water
content in paper by terahertz radiation
Terahertz Waves for
Communications and Sensing
deformable mirrors -
bimorph mirrors
astigmatism -
coma -
defocus -
arbitrary -
Sample quote 2 -
wavefront sensors -
OP 2007 -
Exchanging MCPs in Time-of-Flight detectors
Changing pulse repetition rate in
femtosecond laser Trestles 50
Choosing the right model of pulse picker
Optimizing Rincon cross-correlator New Products
Del Mar Photonics offers
new tunable continuous-wave Cr:ZnSe laser Chatarra
- infrared countermeasures -
countermeasures -
chemical warfare
MWIR spectroscopy
LiIO3 crystal -
Lithium iodate crystals cut
for type I phasematching for SHG -
LiIO3-SHG cut
TIS-SF-07 and
FD-SF-07 -
TIF-SF-777 support -
thick etalon adjustment
AgGaS2, AgGaSe2 and
HgGa2S4 - MWIR
- AgGa1-xInxS2 and
telecom -
zero order waveplates
- zero -
TiO2 displacers -
LiNbO3 plates -
Microchannel Plates, Detectors
and Imaging Systems - Open MCP-MA
- MCP-MA applications -
MCP-MA assembled -
Delmar-Tekhnoscan -
resonant doubler -
atom cooling -
Yb:KYW -
BIBO - Adiabatic frequency conversion
of quantum optical information in atomic vapor -
Ultra-narrow-linewidth combined CW
Ti:Sapphire/Dye laser for atom cooling and
high-precision spectroscopy -
Vortex-Lattice Dynamics in Rotating Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates. Vortex
Dynamics in and around the Lowest Landau Level -
Characterization of atomic coherence decay
for the storage of light -
Decoherence of electromagnetically-induced transparency in atomic vapor
- Diluted maximum-likelihood algorithm for
quantum tomography - Efficiency limits
for linear optical processing of single photons and single-rail qubits -
Electronic noise in optical homodyne
tomography - Interconvertibility of
single-rail optical qubits - Mark
Kasevich: Atom optics and interferometry and the study of quantum many-body
effects in dilute atomic vapors -
Mark Kasevich: Laser cooling
and trapping and Bose-Einstein condensation studies -
Preparation and probing of the ground
state coherence in rubidium - Pulsed
squeezed light: simultaneous squeezing of multiple modes -
Raman adiabatic transfer of optical states in
multilevel atoms - Resonant
doubler with a 2-THz automatic quasi-smooth scan range for widely
tunable CW single-frequency lasers -
CW single-frequency ring Ti:Sapphire
and dye lasers for atom cooling, trapping, quantum manipulation and high
resolution spectroscopy, nanostructures analysis
and fabrication - Trapping,
Spectroscopy, and Collisions of Ultracold Atoms and Molecules -
Diode-pumped femtosecond master Yb:KYW laser
for multi-terawatt Nd-glass facility PROGRESS-P
Michael Wong -
silicone microstrip
emitters - X ray FEA -
FEA photocathode
Rutile prisms in production:
Brewster angle rutile (TiO2)
CdSe powder 10-30 um (within 1 batch), 99.999 %, 10 kg.
CdSe, 6 X 4 X 2 mm, 6 X 4 // (0001), all sides polished 60/40, high
resistivity (>/= 10^11 Ohm*cm), 11 pcs.
CdSe, random oriented, 10 X 10 X 0.5mm, 2 sides polished 60/40, high
resistivity (>/= 10^11 Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdSe (10-10), 25X15X1 mm, 2 sides polished 60/40, low resistivity (< 1
Ohm*cm), 2 pc.
CdSe, Dia: 12.7 X 3.2 mm, <0001> // Dia: 12.7, 2 sides polished 60/40, high
resistivity (>/= 10^11 Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdSe, Dia: 10 X 0.3 mm, // "c", polished 60/40, 5 pcs.
CdSe, 5X5X0.5 mm, (0001), all sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^11 Ohm*cm), 5 pcs.
CdSe, (0001), 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, 1 side polished 60/40, 1 side grinded, low
resistivity (< 1 Ohm*cm), 7 pcs.
CdSe, // "c", 10 X 10 X 1 mm, 2 sides polished 60/40, low resistivity (< 1
Ohm*cm), 5 pcs.
CdSe Dia: 5 X 5 mm, (0001), 2 sides polished 60/40. High resistivity (>/=
10^11 Ohm*cm), 4 pcs.
CdSe, 5 X 5 X 1 mm, (0001), all sides polished 60/40, low resistivity(< 1
Ohm*cm), 10 pcs.
CdSe, random oriented, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, 2 sides polished 60/40, low
resistivity (< 1 Ohm*cm), 9 pcs.
1 ZnTe 10 x 10 x 0.5 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, 3pcs.
2 ZnTe 10 x 8 x 0.8 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, 2pcs.
3 ZnTe 10 x 8 x 0.2 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, 1pc.
4. ZnTe 10 x 8 x 1 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, 2pcs.
5. ZnTe 10 x 10 x 0.4 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, 1pc.
CdTe (110), 10 X 8 X 3 mm, 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/= 10^6
Ohm*cm), n-type, 1 pc.
CdTe, 5 X 5 X 1.3 mm, (110) at 45deg to 5 X 5 mm, 2 sides polished 60/40, high
resistivity (>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 7 pcs.
CdTe, 6 X 4 X 2 mm, 6 X 4 // (111), all sides polished 60/40, high resistivity
(>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 8 pcs.
CdTe, Dia: 6 X 8 mm, Dia: 6 //(111), high resistivity (>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 2
CdTe, Dia: 15 X 2 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm), 3 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 1 mm, random oriented, 2 sides inspection polished, high
resistivity (>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 4 pcs.
CdTe, 7 X 5 X 0.5 mm, (110), 3 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity(>/= 10^6
Ohm*cm), 5 pcs.
CdTe, 30 X 2 X 1 mm, 30 X 2 // (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity
(>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 3 pcs.
CdTe, Dia: 27 X 1.5 mm, (111), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm),1 pc.
CdTe, 30 X 3 X 3 mm, 30 X 3 // (111), 3 X 3 // (110), all sp 60/40, high
resistivity (>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 2 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, (110), 1 side polished 60/40, 1 side fine grinded,
low resistivity, p-type, 2 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.2 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdTe, 10 X 5 X 1 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity(>/= 10^6
Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdTe, 5 X 5 X 2 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/= 10^6
Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 2 mm, (110)/(110)/(100), 2 sides polished 60/40, high
resistivity (>/= 10^6 Ohm*cm), 1 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, (100), 1 side polished 60/40, 1 side fine grinded,
p-type, 3 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, random oriented, 1 side polished 60/40, 1 side fine
grinded, p-type, 7 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, (100), 2 sides polished 60/40, p-type, 2 pcs.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 0.5 mm, (111), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
CdTe, 10 X 10 X 1 mm, (100), 2 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm), 4 pcs.
22 CdTe, 20 X 20 X 1 mm, (110), 2 sides polished 40/20, high resistivity (>/=
10^6 Ohm*cm), 1 pc.
Del Mar Photonics stock
crystal division distributes Lithium Niobate wafers, Silicon Wafers, III-V
Materials and other Crystal Substrates for use in Electronics.
Sergey Egorov private corner: 7&3show
Nastja Egorova in September of 2001
Egorova -
Jegorova -
Nastja Jegorova
Maslenitsa - Baby's
REM sleep -
Sergey Egorov laying on the bed of nails in the
Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana,
Сергей Егоров
Сергей Егоров на финише Рок-н-Ролл Марафона П.Ф.Чанга в Аризоне 18 января
2009 года
Summer 2010
Eugene Egorov
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